Monday, October 27, 2008

Rod is a cool Dad

We did a shoot earlier this month at the Cerritos Center and Rod came clutch with his Daddy dude skills. Thanks Rod...

...I like strong bold Rod the best


  1. You know what I love...these photos! Thanks bro! It's so awesome being forced to model an hour before the shoot. And wowee, there's no way I look like a stalker in the second shot! And I'm super-stoked that the thrid photo is named "emarassed"! By the way short-shirts are back in! Let's all go to the mall in June and see these posted up for thousands of people to see...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Rod, you are a model. You can't force magic like that. It just happens.

  3. rod- you're rad.
    miah- you're a-miah-zing.

    whats the lighting set up for these images?

  4. The girls had a beauty dish on them and Rod had a 65 watt modeling light on them. Those profoto 600b's are amazing!
