here's an out take from the new orleans trip a couple weeks ago.
most of the time i have an idea of where i want an image to go. not so with this one. started fooling with this image in photoshop 2 days ago, and one thing led to another. i was about to trash the file, let it sit over night, looked at it again the next day, stripped off all the layers, restarted, cropped it square, un-cropped (thank goodness for snapshots), added textures, masked them out and then added some more.... guaranteed this image has more curves layers than any photo i've ever processed.
it was a fun image to work on though. as i said, i didn't know where it was going, so despite the fact that
i was photoshopping the picture, it was more like i was along for the ride, just kind of reacting to how the current layer affected what was below it. have a look-see. have a look-see right meow: